Wednesday, June 28, 2006

journal #5

Hello, guys!

OK, think about this: imagine that someone comes along and picks you up and carries you far away from where you are right now. You travel for some time, and then suddenly whoever has been carrying you, drops you down in the middle of a new world. In this new world, everyone is blue, and when you look at yourself in the shop windows, you see that your skin is bright green. All of the blue people react to you because your color is different from theirs. How do they react? What do you do when they react to you?

Take about 5 minutes to read and re-read the prompt. Take another few minutes to think. Now write write write until your fingers hurt! :))))

Monday, June 19, 2006

response to your journals

Thanks very much, everyone, for your thoughts!

I've used this assignment of "free-form" journaling in many classes before - it has almost become a standard element of my teaching. With every new group of students, I worry at the beginning that not everyone in the class will understand or appreciate the journal project - some classes catch on quickly and really enjoy sharing their thoughts this way, but others feel shy and confused and don't know what to say. I can see that you are most definitely in the first category!

I'm writing to encourage you to continue responding in such an open, thoughtful way and not to be put off by prompts that may seem less interesting than others - after all, it is not possible for you to have equal amounts of ideas about everything.

Keep writing - and reading, of course!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

journal #4

OK, here's the next journal topic:

Both Sadie and Bessie have experiences with men when they are young, but in the end they both decide not to get married. What do you think about their decision? How do you feel about the idea of not getting married? Could you make this decision? Why or why not?

Write for 10 minutes and then post your thoughts to the blog.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

journal #3

Hello again!

OK, here's another journal topic:

Bessie and Sadie explain how the girls in their family did different things from the boys. In your family or home culture, what are some activities that only girls do? What about activities for boys only? Are there many activities that are divided by gender (being a boy or being a girl)?

Post your journal entry as a comment. Write for 10 minutes about the topic. Don't stop - and please remember not to worry about grammar or spelling.

journal #2

Hello, everyone!

OK, here's the topic for this journal:

Why do you think family is important? What makes the members of one's family more special than friends or other people in a person's life?

Post your journal entry to this site as a comment. Look at the clock or set your alarm for 10 minutes. Sit comfortably at your computer and write write write without stopping for 10 minutes. Don't delete anything; don't stop to think or plan, and please don't worry about grammar or spelling. Just write whatever you can. Fill up the comment window with your thoughts.